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Using a heat gun to remove reflective tape from the bus
  • 5 min read

How to prep a Skoolie (school bus) for paint

Once we got the bus into the back yard, we realized you could see it from the street. Not a huge problem, but we’re not trying to draw too much attention to ourselves. That, and we’re renting our house and our landlord lives down the street. The last thing we want is for him to […]

  • 2 min read

We bought a bus!

It’s finally real! We’ve been talking about this for a while, and for a long time it felt like a dream, but its finally here! Heres how it happened. First, let’s take a quick step back. This has been a plan (but felt like a dream) for the last two years. In March of 2018 […]

  • 6 min read

The Skoolie workshop at the United Tiny House Festival in Macon, GA

We attended a skoolie workshop in Macon, GA, March 1-3 2019. We learned just about everything we needed to know about purchasing, demoing, and building a skoolie. Michael Fuehrer of Navigation Nowhere, Roman of Little Groundhog, and Chris Schapdick of Tiny Industrial covered everything from framing and insulation to solar pluming and registering a skoolie. […]

A toolbox built in our woodworking class
  • 2 min read

If you’re planning a bus build, take a wood working class

Chelsea and I decided to take a wood working class to build dome wood working skills prior to buying and building our bus. I had a little bit of experience from woodshop in high school and general little projects here and there, but was definitely in need of a refresher. We looked for meetup groups […]

  • 1 min read

Preparing for a bus… with a house?

The first thing we needed in order to make this “bus life” dream a reality was a practical place to work on the bus. As both of our leases were ending around the same time, Chelsea and I decided to move in together and find somewhere that would facilitate this dream. We were lucky enough […]