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  • 6 min read

The Skoolie workshop at the United Tiny House Festival in Macon, GA

We attended a skoolie workshop in Macon, GA, March 1-3 2019. We learned just about everything we needed to know about purchasing, demoing, and building a skoolie. Michael Fuehrer of Navigation Nowhere, Roman of Little Groundhog, and Chris Schapdick of Tiny Industrial covered everything from framing and insulation to solar pluming and registering a skoolie. […]

A toolbox built in our woodworking class
  • 2 min read

If you’re planning a bus build, take a wood working class

Chelsea and I decided to take a wood working class to build dome wood working skills prior to buying and building our bus. I had a little bit of experience from woodshop in high school and general little projects here and there, but was definitely in need of a refresher. We looked for meetup groups […]

  • 1 min read

Preparing for a bus… with a house?

The first thing we needed in order to make this “bus life” dream a reality was a practical place to work on the bus. As both of our leases were ending around the same time, Chelsea and I decided to move in together and find somewhere that would facilitate this dream. We were lucky enough […]